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Birds: Importance of Birds - IMPORTANCE OF BIRDS - Why Birds Matter | Center for Earth and Environmental Science

    Birds play important role in our economy flock of grains or fruits eating birds can damage our fruits, crops and even can cause collision with aircraft. Birds are kept as pets in our homes for eggs, sounds, ornamental; reproduction, making pillow and the dry dropping of sea and farm birds are collected as fertilizers. Chicks, ducks, gees, turkeys and wild birds are cheap sources of protein in worldwide. Men are used birds from ancient time in their art and religious purposes. The invention of aircraft is the miracle of human knowledge due to birds flight. Better bird population increase watching opportunities and provide good potential for tourism. Birds and grasslands enjoy a special relationship. Grasslands provide birds with food, nest sites and protection. Birds in turn, help the grasslands by scattering seeds and eating insects that may harm trees. Different birds live and seek food in different layers of the forest primarily according to the food supply fruits, seeds, insects and worms. Birds provide numerous beneficial activities such as eating many thousands of insect pests which may eliminate some of the need for toxic pesticides. They also disperse seeds over wide areas, ensuring plant health and biodiversity. Our positive action can make their long term survival. Trees are not ornaments they are living organisms and will naturally become a host for other living things. More than 3000 years ago, homing pigeons are used to carry messages for the ancient Egyptians and Persian. News of Olympic Games victories are carried by pigeons in Greece over the various cities. During the Franco-Prussian war, the French used homing birds to send military messages, but the Germans train hawks to catch the homing pigeons. Homing pigeons served the US signal corps in world war one and 2,it is also used in Korean war. During world war one, one bird carried a message about 24 miles (39km) in 25 minutes. It arrives with one leg shot off and its breast injured by a bullet. In 1959, US sold the last of its homing pigeons and replaced them by electronic devices.
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Post service

vulture, puffin, ostrich, hummingbird, pigeon, cockatiel, macaw, cuckoo, kingfisher,
Postman at your door
vulture, puffin, ostrich, hummingbird, pigeon, cockatiel, macaw, cuckoo, kingfisher,
The roasted ortolan is eaten whole, bones and all
vulture, puffin, ostrich, hummingbird, pigeon, cockatiel, macaw, cuckoo, kingfisher,
Scarecrow, Protect birds to destroy productivity

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