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Birds: Migratory Birds | The Dr. Binocs Show |


Migratory Birds | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn Videos For Kids

Mind boggling migration that may involve biannual flights of thousands of miles from breeding sites in temperate or Arctic regions to wintering sites often in tropical or subtropical areas. The Arctic has high importance for birds because approximately 15 percent of bird species worldwide breed there. Almost all Arctic bird species are migratory and several hundred million of them visit the Arctic each year, Including 20 million gees and waders that winter in Europe, Asia and North America. Migratory birds increase the beauty of Pakistan wetlands. Siberia is one in the coldest region of the world. Siberia is homeland of a lot number of bird species that vary from residents which stay all year and breeding birds that spend growing period in Siberia to raise their chicks and migrate. Due to extreme weather in Russia and Europe forces bird species to leave the region to find moderate weather zones. These birds travel from Siberia into Pakistan and crossed about 4,500 km distance. One million birds migrate from Siberia every year. The common migratory birds are houbara bustards, cranes, teals, pintail, mavard, gees, spoon bills wand and pelicans. The migratory birds start their journey from Siberia in September/October and begin returning to their native areas by the end of March or start of April. Indus flyway is the fourth position in the list of world flyways. 
There are seven identified flyways in the world which include; 
▪ Northern Europe to Scandinavian countries 
▪ Central Europe to Mediterranean sea 
▪ Western Siberia to Red sea 
▪ Green route from Siberia into Indus of Pakistan
▪ Ganga flyway from Eastern Siberia to India 
▪ Manchuria to Korea 
▪ Chakotaka to California
   A large number of birds migrate from central Asia countries and Europe towards wetlands of Pakistan to avoid severe winter. The birds reach Pakistan flying over Karakorum, Suleiman, and Hindu Kush along the Indus river cranes, swans, ducks, flamingos, waders, and gees are important migratory birds in Pakistan. The number of migratory birds making stopovers each year at the Keenjhar Lake had declined from 205,000 to 13,706. In 1987-1988 about 65 species of waterfowl were recorded at Keenjhar Lake while 2010 census revealed drastically decline in number of species at Keenjhar Lake. The native birds of lake consist on night heron, cotton teal, pheasant tail jacana and purple moorhen and some passerines. The cotton tail had disappeared altogether at present year. Some activities including land reclamation, deforestation and indirect human influences such as climate change, fragmentation and degradation of habitat are the main causes of decline in the number of migratory birds. It is necessary to make safe migratory bird journey by control hunting of migratory bird under its policy titled “Management of waterfowls along river Kabul and Indus in khyberPakhtunkhwa”.
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Migratory birds from Russia into Pakistan
pigeon, puffin, macaw, albatross, harpy eagle, sparrow, vulture, magpie, mockingbird, bald eagle, blue jay, kiwi bird, hummingbird food,

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